UOK East Sussex Partnership

UOK East Sussex Wellbeing Service Tender Partner Opportunity Event

Posted on 18 November 2024

As Lead Provider for UOK East Sussex, we’re hosting an online partner briefing session for the UOK East Sussex Wellbeing Service Tender.

The purpose of the event is to enable potential partners to hear about Southdown’s vision to enhance mental health community support services across East Sussex by developing integrated contracting models with VCSE providers and other partners.

Stuart Reid, Southdown’s Partnership Lead for UOK in East Sussex, says, “In April, Southdown was awarded a five-year contract by East Sussex County Council to lead the transformation of community-based support for people with mental health challenges. The contract is an amazing opportunity to build on what’s working well and develop new partnerships to improve services and reach more people.

“As Lead Provider, Southdown will oversee a phased plan to improve access to support and develop services, ensuring a ‘no wrong door’ approach in collaboration with local statutory and VCSE services. In support of this, our first commitment was a comprehensive review of the seven Wellbeing Centres in East Sussex. Through a co-production approach, involving lived experience representatives, East Sussex County Council and local partners, we’ve created a new enhanced service model ready for tender.

“We look forward to welcoming providers to our briefing session and working collaboratively to develop inclusive and equitable mental health and wellbeing support for communities across East Sussex.”

When and where:

Online event on Wednesday, 27 Nov from 11am to 12pm. No registration needed. Access the event here.

Attendees will have a chance to:

• Hear about the redesign process of the proposed new UOK East Sussex Wellbeing Service.
• Hear about the service specifications.
• Understand the procurement process and its timeline.
• Know how they can get involved.
• Ask any questions.

Who can attend?

We’re keen to welcome any community and voluntary organisation, big or small, working in East Sussex to improve the mental health and wellbeing of residents. Two maximum representatives per organisation please.

Event hosts:

• Stuart Reid, Partnership Lead for UOK East Sussex at Southdown
• Will Jeffrey, Procurement Manager at Southdown

If you have any queries about the event, please contact us at info@southdown.org.

Also, see invitation for download below which includes a QR code to access the event.

We look forward to seeing you there.