Our offices
Lewes office (registered head office)
Southdown, 2 Bell Lane, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1JU.
Phone: 01273 405 800
Email: General Enquiries: info@southdown.org Recruitment Enquiries: jobs@southdown.org Media Enquiries: alice.clements@southdown.org.
Open hours: Monday to Thursday from 8.30 am to 5 pm, and Friday from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm.
For a map of our location, click here. For a map of local parking, click here. For information about public transport, click here.
Brighton and Hove office (and Learning and Community Hub)
Isetta Square, 35 New England Street, Brighton, BN1 4GQ
Phone: 01273 749 500
Hailsham office
Prospects House, 7/9 George Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 1AD
Phone: 01323 340 151
Have your say and share your feedback
We encourage feedback so we can learn what we are doing well and where we need to make improvements. Your feedback will be treated in confidence and will only be discussed with people who need to know.
To ensure we continue to provide excellent support it is important that we learn from the experiences of our clients. We are also keen to hear from anyone else who comes into contact with us, for example a relative or friend of a client and health and social care professionals we work with.
Please send your comments and compliments using the Feedback Form at the bottom of this page or email us at feedback@southdown.org. You can also call us on 01273 405800. Or write to use at Southdown, 2 Bell Lane, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1JU.
If you have concerns about a service provided, please speak with support staff or the local manager, who will help you resolve your issues. You can also use the Feedback Form below.

Making a complaint
If you wish to make a formal complaint, it is best to do so as soon as possible after a problem has been identified. Activities we carry out whilst looking into a complaint will be written down so there is a clear record of the issues raised and actions taken. You will be treated fairly and your complaint will not impact the quality of service you receive in the future. Southdown has a formal policy to ensure all comments, compliments and complaints are treated fairly and dealt with in the same way.
How to make a complaint
At Southdown, we actively encourage feedback and have policies and procedures in place to ensure complaints are responded to in a timely and appropriate way. For more information, you can download our Complaints Policy and Procedure below, and if you would like to receive copies of any of the related documents (listed at the end of the Policy) please email us at info@southdown.org. Easy read information is also available.
Client / Tenant Consent
If you are making a complaint on behalf of a Southdown client or tenant, we will write to them and ask for their consent for Southdown to share their information. If they do not consent to Southdown sharing their personal information, we will not be able to process the complaint.
Confidential reporting (Whistleblowing)
‘Whistleblowing’ is the act of someone speaking out and disclosing information about wrongdoing in the workplace. This could mean highlighting possible unlawful activities, failures to comply with legal obligations, miscarriages of justice or reporting on risks to the health and safety of individuals or to the environment.
Whistleblowing is viewed by Southdown as a positive act that can make a valuable contribution to ensuring Southdown delivers its mission to provide exceptional community support services. All concerns raised will be treated with respect and in the strictest of confidence. If you wish to raise a concern, please refer to our Confidential Reporting (Whistleblowing) Policy below, which provides further information on the process, and relevant contact details.