“I can see the light at the end of the tunnel”
A client at our Pathways Home Housing Support service shares how support with debt management and mental health & wellbeing changed his life.

“I’m starting to put roots down”
Terry, a client of our Southdown Steps housing support service in West Sussex, shares his experience of support he’s received.

“I think they are fantastic at what they do for her”
Liz is a client at one of our Learning Disability Supported Living Services.
We spoke to her sister about how Liz is supported by Southdown staff to take part in daily activities and her favourite hobbies.

“He’s got an excellent care team”
Alex is a client at one of our Learning Disability Supported Living Services.
His Father, Andrew, speaks about how his son Alex is supported and why he enjoys living at one of our services.

“I think it’s fundamental that spaces like this exist”
A client describes why they felt supported when visiting one of our mental health crisis support services, Staying Well Brighton.

“She has made a difference to my future and wellbeing”
A client from our Employment Support Services explains the difference their Employment Specialist has made to their life.

“It’s great to get out and meet new people”
Kevin, a client at one of our Learning Disability Support Services explains why he is passionate about politics and human rights. Kevin’s Support Worker, Nick, speaks about how he supports Kevin in being involved in local and national politics.

“I enjoy spending time with other clients”
Jennie, one of our clients at our Learning Disability Support Services, explains what hobbies she enjoys and how she is supported to participate in them.

“I feel proud of myself”
For Mental Health Awareness Week, we spoke to one of our clients about the activities they enjoy for this year’s theme of movement.

”I enjoy running around”
For Mental Health Awareness Week, we spoke to one of our clients about the activities they enjoy for this year’s theme of movement.

“It’s amazing to have my own independence”
Jessica lives in one of our registered care homes. In her story she tells us about the independence she’s gained since moving into a Southdown service.

“I feel like the staff are here for me”
One of our clients shares what he likes to do in his supported living service and the difference having more support staff has had on his life.