A Southdown client is sitting outside looking into the distance.

To know that there are still people out there doing their jobs with such care is such a beautiful thing.

“She has made a difference to my future and wellbeing”

“When the road started to get rocky for me and I doubted whether any of my dreams were possible, my Employment Specialist was always there to help rebuild that strength to continue.

She has helped me to achieve a hopefully brighter future working within the NHS. It’s always been an interest of mine but has never felt possible after only ever having two jobs in the last thirty years and both jobs being within retail.

I was initially offered the opportunity to gain some support around employment and a possible change of career when I was at my local mental health centre.

After a short wait I was put in touch with an Employment Specialist who provided amazing support from day one and helped me realise what a toxic environment I had been working within. This not only built my confidence slowly but also allowed me to obtain some goals which is something I would not have been able to do.

She took the time and patience needed, in a non-judgemental fashion, to allow me to gradually come round to a possible brighter future.

I thank her on a regular basis but her reply is, “I’m just doing my job.” But she is doing way more than her job and making differences to people’s lives and futures. If she didn’t care and put her all into the help she provides, she would not have been successful with myself.

She has made a difference to my future and wellbeing. She has gone above and beyond and Southdown should be so proud to have such a diligent, hardworking, caring person as part of their team who truly wants the best for all her clients.

To know that there are still people out there doing their jobs with such care is such a beautiful thing and to know that I have been able to receive that has been amazing.”

The Work and Wellbeing service provides specialist employment support for people living with mental health challenges across Sussex. We will not only support you to achieve your vocational aspirations but also explore other issues that are affecting your ability to secure and sustain employment.

Provided in partnership with the Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, the service is part of the West Sussex Pathfinder.