Close up photo of person smiling, wearing casual clothes with cafe seating in the background
Service Type: Mental Health and Employment Support
Service Location: Sussex

Work and Wellbeing

Contact Details

Work and Wellbeing Team - General enquiries

01323 340 156

About the service

Being in work can help maintain good mental health. It gives us a purpose, promotes independence and can improve the way we feel about ourselves. Our Employment Specialists will work with you to help you secure or retain a job that is right for you.

The Work and Wellbeing service provides specialist employment support for people living with mental health challenges across Sussex. We will not only support you to achieve your vocational aspirations but also explore other issues that are affecting your ability to secure or sustain employment.

Provided in partnership with the Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, the service is part of UOK‘s network of mental health support and the West Sussex Pathfinder.

What to expect

You will receive one to one support from an Employment Specialist to create a ‘journey to work plan’ tailored to your needs and interests. This is followed by a rapid job search, support throughout the recruitment process and, once in work, time-unlimited support for both you and your employer.

Am I eligible?

Support is available for adults aged 16+ living in Sussex who are using a mental health service and are motivated about exploring their employment goals. We also offer a specialist service for young people who are accessing services from NHS Early Intervention Teams.

How do I apply?

  • In Brighton and Hove, we accept referrals from NHS Mental Health Teams or via the UOK Brighton & Hove Central Access Point.
  • In West Sussex, we accept referrals from NHS Mental Health Teams working in the area.
  • In East Sussex, we accept referrals from NHS Mental Health Teams working in the area. Unfortunately, we are not currently accepting self-referrals.

Employment Resource Packs

We have collated these Employment Resource Packs to provide you with some basic information which we hope you find useful. Please click on the link below for your area, to view, download or print the relevant pack:

For any area-specific enquiries, please contact one of the following Team Managers:

Brighton & Hove
Paul Turk
Tel: 07805 811 186

East Sussex (Hastings, Bexhill and Rural Rother)
Sam Aubrey
Tel: 07964 113757

East Sussex (Lewes, Eastbourne, The Haven’s and Uckfield)
Georgia Knell
Tel: 07458 146986

West Sussex (Shoreham, Worthing, Littlehampton, Bognor, and Chichester)
Becky Burge
Tel: 07896 923266

West Sussex (Crawley, Horsham, Haywards Heath, Burgess Hill, and East Grinstead)
Penny Heater