A group of people are sat around a table doing art work.
Service Type: Mental Health and Employment Support
Service Location: Brighton and Hove

The Lighthouse

About the service

The Lighthouse is a Tier 3 specialist service run in partnership by Southdown, Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust (SPFT), and Mind in Brighton & Hove. Southdown provides this service as part of the UOK Brighton & Hove network.

We provide intensive therapy to people who fall within a broad definition of complex emotional needs. The Lighthouse utilises Mentalisation Based Treatment (MBT), peer involvement and a groups-based approach across 3 days, within a therapeutic community setting.

What to expect when using the service:

The Lighthouse programme is facilitated by Southdown, Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust (SPFT), and Mind in Brighton and Hove.

Stage 1 Assessment, attachment & stabilisation

Timeframe: 9 months – 1 year

Attendance required: 1-2 days

Initially, members attend a number of individual assessment and engagement appointments. If they are accepted onto the programme, they would then attend an introductory group, gradually building up to attending up to 2-3 groups per week.

  • Assessment, engagement and formulation
  • Welcome group
  • Being and doing groups
  • Skills group
  • Introduction to MBT


Stage 2 Active intervention

Timeframe: 18 months

Attendance required: 3 days

This involves an intensive 3-day programme (10am – 3pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays). Members are expected to attend for 3 full days.

Groups include:

  • Mentalisation Based Treatment (MBT)
  •  Art therapy
  • Mind/body groups (yoga, mindfulness, sensory)
  • Goal setting/skills groups
  • Community meetings
  • Being and doing groups

Stage 3 – Life after The Lighthouse

Timeframe: 9 – 12 months

Attendance required: 1-2 days

Attendance is reduced in stage 3. Members are supported through a leaving process, and linked into new resources and opportunities in the community.

Stage 3 includes:

  • Leavers group
  • Being and doing groups
  • Expert by experience (EBE) opportunities
  • Community engagement work

Opening Times

Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm. Weekend sessions according to the programme.

Is the Lighthouse Service right for me?

  • Do you consider that you have difficulties with emotional management, relational difficulties, impulsivity and self-harm?
  • Are you a regular user of crisis mental health services and NHS emergency services?
  • Do you have a diagnosis of complex emotional needs or meet the criteria for diagnosis?
  • Can you attend groups up to 3 days per week?
  • Can you travel to Hove?
  • Will you be able to participate in both therapy and activity groups?
  • Does the service need to know anything that could affect you attending the Lighthouse?
  • What support would you need to engage with the Lighthouse?

How can I access the service?

Referrals are made through secondary care mental health services (e.g. assessment and treatment services). We do not accept self-referrals.

If you are under secondary care mental health services, please speak to your team.

If you are not under secondary care services please speak to your GP about accessing mental health services.