Photo of client sitting in bus shelter side by side between two workers, looking at a form together
Service Type: Housing Support
Service Location: East Sussex

Rough Sleeping Initiative and Complex Needs Homeless Service

Contact Details

Sharon Peterson - Service Manager

07964 869135

Southdown’s Rough Sleeping Initiative & Complex Needs Homeless Service supports people who are sleeping rough or at imminent risk of being homeless.

This service is one element of East Sussex’s Rough Sleeping Initiative (RSI), which is funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. Hastings Borough Council is the lead partner for the initiative, on behalf of Eastbourne, Lewes, Rother and Wealden Councils.

The purpose of the RSI is to end rough sleeping in East Sussex by improving access to services, temporary accommodation and long-term housing.

Housing First Team

Southdown’s Housing First Workers support individuals living in Housing First units in East Sussex who have complex needs. Workers provide intensive wrap-around tenancy sustainment support to help people to move into properties, set up their homes, maintain their tenancies and live independently.

Support is delivered in partnership with a multidisciplinary team of mental health, substance dependence, nursing, social care and criminal justice specialists, using bespoke support programmes.

Move on and Outreach Team

Southdown’s Move On Workers support people at imminent risk of rough sleeping to find accommodation in the private and social rented sectors, and provide tenancy sustainment support.

Southdown’s Outreach Workers work within the Eastbourne, Lewes, Wealden, Hastings and Rother areas, engaging directly with people who are sleeping rough. Outreach Workers check on people’s wellbeing, encourage them to seek support and arrange emergency accommodation.

How to access

Referrals are made via the East Sussex Rough Sleeping Initiative.