Martin Dominy
Title: VCSE Mental Health Transformation Lead
Team: Operational Performance Group
Martin joined Southdown in June 2008 as Head of Supported Employment and was promoted to Head of Service, Mental Health in 2013.
Martin has 26 years of experience working in the social care sector and across areas including mental health, community and outreach services and employment. He has worked in a range of senior management positions including at an NHS Health Trust and at the Richmond Fellowship.
Martin is committed to steering Southdown’s Mental Health and Employment Support services to enable everyone to have equal opportunities to live well and independently. Martin and his team have pioneered the model of IPS (Individual Placement and Support), endorsed by NHS England, to successfully support people across Sussex secure and retain work.
He says: “I am passionate about enabling people living with mental health challenges to have every opportunity to be a valued member of their community, and not on its fringes. The team I lead are extraordinary well equipped to provide tailored mental health and employment support for people. And, we work together to continue looking at ways in which we can enhance the support that we provide.”