Tell us your story
If you would like to share your ‘story’ and your experience of support from Southdown please get in touch. Use the form below or call 01273 405 800.
We love sharing our client stories.
Client stories highlight the value of our services and the commitment and dedication of Southdown staff to be there for people that need support. Through listening to the client experience, we can learn about the issues and challenges that people in our local communities face. Our stories help raise awareness of, and challenge, outdated social stigmas and taboos.
If you would like to share your Southdown Story and your experience of support from Southdown please get in touch by emailing or calling 01273 405 800.
A client at our Pathways Home Housing Support service shares how support with debt management and mental health & wellbeing changed his life.
Read storySupport Worker, Katie, tells us how she supported Southdown client, Martin, to take a special day trip to Littlehampton.
Sam shares her experience of having Southdown as a landlord and tells us about the tenant involvement activities she is taking part in.
Kevin is one of our politically active clients in our Learning Disability Support services. In this interview, he shares why his interests are important to him.
Jo is one of our clients who lives in a Supported Living service. We met up with Jo and spoke to his Service Manager, Gemma, about his quality of life.
A carer shares her experiences of attending the The Creativity and Self-Care for Carers course at The Brighton and Hove Recovery College.
A client who receives support from our Housing Support services shares his story and tells us about the difference support has made to his life.
A client shares their story about receiving Employment Support and accessing our Wellbeing Centres and Staying Well service.
A client reflects on the emotional and practical benefits of receiving housing support from Southdown.
A homeless client who received support from our Rapid Rehousing Pathway Project tells us about his new home after a flat fire over Christmas.
A client tells us what it’s been like to work with an Employment Specialist from our Employment Support service.
A client from our Community Connectors service tells us how his confidence increased after receiving support.
A client tells us how his life has transformed since receiving support from our West Sussex Services.
If you would like to share your ‘story’ and your experience of support from Southdown please get in touch. Use the form below or call 01273 405 800.