Community Roots network wins local Mental Health award
We are thrilled and proud to announce that the Community Roots network has won the ‘Mental Health’ category award of the Community Star and Care Awards 2021.
Funded by NHS Brighton and Hove CCG and Brighton and Hove City Council, Community Roots brings together 16 local providers to strengthen, develop and integrate mental health support for different levels of need, with Southdown as lead provider.
Roisin Murphy, Partnership Manager for Community Roots said:
Enrolment is open for Brighton & Hove Recovery College’s Summer Term
Brighton and Hove Recovery College, offer educational courses as a route to recovery from mental health challenges. All their courses are FREE and designed and delivered by people with lived experience of mental health challenges, together with clinical staff and other professionals.
The College is provided in partnership with the Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and as part of the Community Roots network of mental health support.
NEW out-of-hours crisis prevention service opens in Brighton & Hove
On the 14th December 2021, a new out-of-hours mental health crisis prevention service called Staying Well opened in Brighton and Hove (operating weekdays 5.30pm – 10.30pm and weekends 3.30pm – 10.30pm). This new service enhances the current mental health and wellbeing services delivered in the City and is part of Community Roots network of community and voluntary sector support services.
A tribute to Sheila Clouting, co-founder of Southdown
In 1972, Sheila was a founder member of our organisation (later re-named Southdown Housing Association) as part of a small group of like-minded professionals who were working with mental health patients at St Francis Hospital and in the community. She was instrumental in setting up, in her own time, a volunteer-run Sunday Support Group and then a supported housing service in Brighton and Hove.
New ‘Discharge to Assess’ Pilot Service in Brighton and Hove
Jim Aspdin, our Director of Housing, and Gareth Liley, Team Manager of our Homeless Prevention and Mental Health Support Service in Brighton and Hove share an update on a new pilot project….
Jim says, “On the 2nd November, Southdown launched Discharge to Assess – a new scheme that offers a short-term package of support and accommodation to individuals ready to leave mental health inpatient settings.